Overlooking Sexual Expression: The Need for Improved Sexuality Policy in Long-Term Care

Two couples at nightlife laughing together.

As people age, an increasing number of older adults populate our country. Consequently, more older adults find themselves in long-term care facilities, where they can receive the support, they need to maintain their quality of life. Being admitted to long-term care does not negate the sexual needs of the older adult. Unfortunately, only a few long-term care facilities in the US have a focused sexuality policy. Therefore, for many residents of long-term care, their sexual needs and desires are often dismissed. In this blog post, I’ll discuss how changes in sexuality policy can positively impact the lives of long-term care residents.

  1. Sexual Expression and Aging: As we age, our sexual desires and behaviors may change. However, studies show that sexual activity and intimacy remain important aspects of well-being for older adults. In fact, a study by the National Council on Aging found that 61% of adults aged 65 and over believe that sexual activity is important to their overall quality of life. However, for residents of long-term care, sexual expression can be challenging. Many long-term care facilities have policies that restrict or prohibit sexual activity, which can leave residents feeling frustrated and isolated.
  2. Sexuality Policy in Long-Term Care: Sexuality policy in long-term care refers to the guidelines and practices that regulate sexual expression among residents. Unfortunately, many long-term care facilities have policies that are outdated or fail to address the sexual needs of residents. Most facilities may prohibit sexual activity altogether as they err on the side of ‘safety’. The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care, an organization dedicated to promoting quality care for seniors, recommends that long-term care facilities adopt policies that recognize residents’ right to sexual expression. This includes providing residents with privacy, access to sexual health information, and support for sexual expression.
  3. Benefits of Improved Sexuality Policy: Improving sexuality policy in long-term care can have a significant positive impact on residents’ lives. By recognizing residents’ right to sexual expression, long-term care facilities can help reduce feelings of isolation and promote overall well-being. Additionally, providing residents with access to sexual health information and support can help prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections and ensure that residents are able to engage in sexual activity safely.

In conclusion, changes in sexuality policy can have a significant impact on the lives of long-term care residents. By recognizing residents’ right to sexual expression and providing support and resources, long-term care facilities can promote overall well-being and reduce feelings of isolation. As our population ages, it is important that we continue to advocate for policies that promote the dignity and quality of life of older adults.