Factors That Lead Healthcare Professionals to Shy Away from Discussing Sexuality with Older Adults

Older couple sitting behind a laptop

Sexuality is an important aspect of human life and is integral to our overall wellbeing, regardless of age.  However, it is often overlooked or ignored when it comes to discussing the health and wellbeing of older adults. Healthcare professionals play a vital role in promoting sexual health, yet many do not talk about sexuality with older adults. Here are some reasons why healthcare professionals might be hesitant to discuss sexuality with older adults:

  1. Ageism: Ageism, or negative stereotypes and discrimination towards older adults, can lead healthcare professionals to assume that older adults are not sexually active or interested in sex. This assumption can prevent healthcare professionals from initiating discussions about sexual health with their older patients.
  2. Lack of training: Healthcare professionals may not have received adequate training in discussing sexuality with patients, particularly older adults. This lack of training can lead to discomfort and uncertainty when it comes to initiating conversations about sexual health.
  3. Stigma and shame: Older adults may feel embarrassed or ashamed to discuss their sexual health with healthcare professionals due to societal stigmas surrounding sexuality in older adults. Similarly, healthcare professionals may feel uncomfortable or stigmatize older adults who are sexually active.
  4. Cultural and religious beliefs: Cultural and religious beliefs may also influence healthcare professionals’ willingness to discuss sexuality with older adults. Some healthcare professionals may avoid discussing sexuality due to cultural or religious taboos around sex and sexuality.
  5. Lack of time: Healthcare professionals may prioritize other aspects of their patients’ health, such as managing chronic conditions, over discussing sexuality. Time constraints can make it difficult to have comprehensive discussions about sexual health.

Despite these challenges, healthcare professionals have a responsibility to promote sexual health in older adults. Initiating discussions about sexuality with older patients can help them maintain healthy sexual relationships, prevent sexually transmitted infections, and address sexual dysfunction. Healthcare professionals can take steps to overcome these challenges by receiving training on discussing sexuality with patients, creating a non-judgmental and welcoming environment, and prioritizing discussions about sexual health during patient visits. By doing so, healthcare professionals can help their older patients achieve optimal health and wellbeing.