What is the definition of sexuality in older adults?

Gay couple lying on the couch laughing.

When you ask someone to answer the question: “What is sexuality?”, it is typically difficult for them to answer. Some individuals could relate relationships and love to sexuality. Others consider having children, having infants, and birth control. And some people could link sexuality to trauma, the law, or religion. Despite the fact that they are all connected to sexuality, these associations are all extremely different. This illustrates how vast the concept of sexuality is, encompassing aspects of the physical body, psychology, behavior, culture, and much more. This demonstrates how sexuality is incredibly person- and even moment-specific. This next actual anecdote serves as an excellent illustration of how sexuality is both unique and situation-specific.

The Rising Sun long-term care facility’s breakfast area is often a very calm and quiet location. The majority of the customers are female, and they eat breakfast in small groups. That is, up to the time that Mr. D. first appeared. An older gentleman named Mr. D enjoys flattering and seducing the female customers. A couple of the ladies seem to really enjoy the attention from mister D. As a result, the ladies started showing up at breakfast and lunch in gorgeous gowns, with make-up , and start giggling upon seeing Mr. D in the breakfast area. The previously calm breakfast area was transformed into a setting buzzing with excitement.

Consequently, each time the question “what is sexuality?” is posed, your response can be different. The concept of sexuality is not as simple as it might seem, in addition to variances in person and circumstance in how the question “what is sexuality?” is answered. A very broad definition of sexuality includes all aspects of sexual behaviour, sexual activity, emotions, and feelings related to sexual identity. As a result, sexuality can include physical contact as well as behaviors like wearing makeup, dressing beautifully, and dancing in a way that makes you feel attractive. This demonstrates that there are many different ways to define sexuality, ranging from closeness to intimacy to sexuality.

Hence, sexuality is more complex than most people realise and is not as cut-and-dry as they may believe. This indicates that sexuality can be centred on enjoyment and sex, as well as going out, holding hands, and kissing. As was previously stated, it all depends on the individual and the situation. Therefore, it is important to remember that when discussing sexuality in long-term care, we should interpret it from the older adults’ perspective rather than from our own. What do they define as sexuality? How does it appear? What types of attitudes and actions are involved? What exactly is the situation? This is what person-centered care and respect for sexual rights in a care facility should look like. The viewpoint of the older adult is more essential than our personal point of view. The viewpoint of the older adults involved is crucial, as well as their agency and well-being.

And talking about it is the only way to learn the client’s perspective. The lesson here is to discuss sexuality with elder individuals. Respect their viewpoint and offer them the freedom to choose their own perspective on sexuality, fitting with their personality and needs.